Registration for Fall 2024 is open!
Homeschool Instructional Support (H.I.S.) is a co-operative effort among home school parents to provide classes that meet once a week for the purpose of providing instruction in core subject areas as well as supplementary and elective areas. The program has been in existence since 2005. Currently the classes meet at First Baptist Church in Brazoria on Tuesdays from August through May. Assisting families with high school course requirements is the primary reason the co-op was developed. Classes for all ages have always been part of the program to assist teachers and families in areas where they are less confident or where a group setting is more appropriate for learning. Many families have stated that the classes have met an academic need, provided social opportunities, and helped in meeting transcript requirements. All classes within the H.I.S. program are taught with a distinctly Christian worldview.
Registration is required to take part in the classes. Yearly registration fees are $60 for the first child enrolled, $30 for the second child, and $120 total if there are three or more children enrolled. These fees go to the church to help defray costs incurred by the use of their facilities (electricity, insurance, etc). Sign-up for the classes takes place in the summer for fall classes and in November/December for spring classes. Each class fee is set by the instructor and paid directly to the instructor, but generally will not exceed $150 per semester. Please see the course descriptions for those details.
You can pay registration fees online at: PayPal.Me/hisregistration or through Venmo at: 2hisclassreg@gmail.com
If you prefer to pay for registration by cash or check, you can stop in to the co-op on Tuesday during class times or wait until Orientation night. Classes are first come, first served.